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Writer's pictureTiffany Hines

A Lent Reflection for Monday 3.22.2021 by Tiffany Hines

Selected passage for reflection: Psalm 119:9-16 (NIV)


Psalm 119:9-16

9 How can a young man stay pure?

Only by living in the word of God and walking in its truth.

10 I have longed for you with the passion of my heart;

don’t let me stray from your directions!

11 I consider your prophecies to be my greatest treasure,

and I memorize them and write them on my heart

to keep me from committing sin’s treason against you.

12 My wonderful God, you are to be praised above all;

teach me the power of your decrees!

13 I speak continually of your laws

as I recite out loud your counsel to me.

14 I find more joy in following what you tell me to do

than in chasing after all the wealth of the world.

15 I set my heart on your precepts

and pay close attention to all your ways.

16 My delight is found in all your laws,

and I won’t forget to walk in your words.

© Mary Rodriguez Photography


I love the places in scripture where God is pretty much giving us an exact blueprint for how to live this life as followers of Christ. Purity is way more than honoring our bodies, but what we act on, how we think, what our hearts longs for when no one is closely watching. This passage is a guide to how to live this life, but it is not implying perfection. We know it is easy to be lead astray from the things that matter to God and get caught up in the day to day of culture, life, dreams, and our many roles as women we carry. The writer finds more joy in following God’s ways than his own. How does a young woman, seasoned woman, stay pure? She becomes a living, breathing, walking epistle of God’s word. Indeed, God is a keeper, a promise keeper, a good shepherd who knows how to guide his sheep into the direction of a prosperous life. I pray we find a deep joy within our souls that can when tempted, when doubted, persecuted, the joy of God’s word springs up like a well, and we can water to the thirsty.

Will we comprehend God’s ways or even understand every move he makes? Of course not! Wouldn’t it be great to know everything?? Oh, wait! That’s what got us here now (dang it, Adam and Eve!) The world has lots to offer, and it’s not all bad. But we have to make it a necessity in our hearts to trust that God is better. He knows better and can foresee every event that will ever happen. Our willingness, our yes, not only brings us delight, but it brings delight to God. Can you imagine at this moment, giving God, the maker of the universe, delight?

What would happen if while we had our doubts, it pushed us to God’s word instead of elsewhere? We would find an unexplainable joy! Joy is attractive and contagious. I strongly believe that if there is a movement of women that have faith in Jesus Christ, thirst after righteousness, and pursue God over the saucy things the world has to offer will be filled.

Let’s be filled with the joy of the Lord.


Are there any areas in your life that you wrestle with walking in God’s truth? I encourage you to read the passage above and insert your name. Make it personal. You will be able to walk this beautiful life out.

One of my favorite songs about this passage is called “Proverbs 3 (Tablet of Your Heart)” by Todd Dulaney. It is full of joy, repetition, and talks about trusting the Lord with all of our hearts.


O Gracious God, thank you for allowing me to wrestle with you and rest in you. Amen.

About the Author

Tiffany Hines is a singer, songwriter, worship leader, and creative. She is the founder of Hines Creative Group, LLC. By day, she is a director at a church in Chicagoland overseeing ministry teams. For fun she loves traveling, city life, and hosting friends and family.

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melanie myatt
melanie myatt
Mar 22, 2021

This is such a good reminder that we find more joy in walking within God‘s boundaries for us. Thank you!

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