Longing for Transformation
John 3:1-13 NIV
Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night...
Longing for Transformation
Creator, Word and Spirit - John 1:1-9
Anyone who is thirsty - John 7:37-39
A Lent Reflection for Sunday 3.21.2021 by Rev. Denise McKinney
A Lent Reflection for Wednesday 3.17.2021 by Gillie Abdiraxman-Issa
A Lent Reflection for Saturday 3.13.2021 by Laraine Fraijo-Paul
A Lent Reflection for Sunday 3.7.2021 by Rev. Sarah Robinson
A Lent Reflection for Wednesday 3.3.2021 by Rev. Ellie VerGowe