Rhythms of Rest
Hebrews 4:1-13 NRSV
What images come to your mind when you think about rest? It can be easy to think of rest as doing nothing...
Rhythms of Rest
In Him
My Gethsemane Moment – But God!
Seen, heard and looked at
A Lent Reflection for Holy Wednesday
A Lent Reflection for Holy Monday
Out of the Depths - Psalm 130
Praise God! Psalm 146
Recognizing our own Shadows - Isaiah 59 and Psalm 146
Healing our Spiritual Blindness - John 9
Creator, Word and Spirit - John 1:1-9
Partial Obedience - 1 Samuel 15:22-31
The Lord is my shepherd- Psalm 23
Anyone who is thirsty - John 7:37-39
A Gentle Whisper - Psalm 81
Live in Love - 2 John 1:1-13
Saved by Grace - Romans 5:1-11
Rest and Rely on God - Exodus 16:27-35
Praise and Listening - Psalm 95
From a heart of stone to a heart of flesh